Posts Tagged ‘USAID Jobs in Ghana’

Job Vacancy For Health Systems Strengthening and Policy Advisor At USAID Ghana

Posted on: October 29th, 2014 by Ghana Jobs

{USAID Ghana,Ghana,Full-Time,GH,N/A,N/A,30 Nov-2014};


The Health Systems Strengthening and Policy Advisor is an integral member of the West Africa Regional Health Office. S/he provides technical advice, management and administrative support to projects and programs in the portfolio which involve commodity security and logistics management and health systems strengthening, especially with respect to family planning and reproductive health. S/he helps design, manage, monitor and evaluate such activities, and provides input into USAID planning and reporting documentation. S/he will be designated as a Contracting/Agreement Officer’s Representative (COR/AOR) or Activity Manager for one or more activities.


Specific responsibilities for this USAID/WA-funded position shall include but not be limited to:

Technical Assistance/Project Management (50%)

A. Provide substantive technical and programming advice to the health portfolio with respect to commodity security, logistics management, and health system strengthening. The incumbent will provide support to the reproductive health/ family planning (RH/FP), MCH, and HIV/AIDS portfolio, in particular the RH/FP commodity security systems in the region. In addition, s/he will provide technical guidance in related subject areas to the Mission as well as implementing partners in the regional countries as appropriate. Technical Assistance will be provided in areas including, but not limited to:

•   Ensuring that plans for commodity security and logistics are included in regional 3 initiatives, as appropriate;
•   Reviewing grant proposals and detailed implementation plans;
•   Assisting in the identification and replication of best practices;
•   Participating in the development of effective RH/FP, MCH, malaria, HIV/AIDS, systems strengthening, and commodity security logistics systems advocacy agendas;
•   Assisting in the integration of health programs (e.g., RH/FP into MCH, infectious diseases, malaria, and nutrition and HIV/AIDS) as appropriate.
•   Lead policy and advocacy dialogue in HIV/AIDS and RH/FP by identifying needs and gaps and best approaches to support host countries in filling gaps.
•   Lead the Regional Health Office’s emerging agenda in health care financing by identifying opportunities to work with other partners and donors to advance the region’s priority of universal health coverage.

B. As this position is cross-cutting, the incumbent will work closely with other technical advisors within the office to identify policy and advocacy needs and gaps and determine the best approaches to address these gaps. This will include review of work plans of grantees, and program monitoring.

C. The incumbent will be designated the COR/AOR or Activity Manager for one or more implementing mechanisms, and will provide technical and management oversight to those activities according to USAID standards. In this regard the incumbent will prepare briefing documents and conduct all USAID business (activity reports, memos, etc.) as required to carry out such management responsibilities. The incumbent will also assist implementing partners in the preparation of work plans consistent with the strategic objective and results package expected of the programs.

Monitoring and Evaluation/Data Analysis and Reporting (30%):

Provide input into and ensure that all USAID reporting requirements on impact and financing of activities are met and, where necessary, assist implementing partners in setting up reporting and tracking systems to provide such information in an efficient and timely manner. Monitoring and evaluation responsibilities will include travel in the region to observe and report on program-funded partner interventions. Assist in the review and analysis of data and information on relevant technical areas as a basis for providing up-to-date information on impact, effectiveness, and outputs of programs. Assist in drafting annual progress reports and conducting data quality assessments (DQAs) of implementing partners.

Maintaining USG and Partner Relationships (10%):

•   Draft materials for use in USAID communication relating to health system strengthening and commodity security logistics systems; this includes speeches, press releases, briefing papers, etc.;
•   Assist in drafting reports for submission to Washington;
•   Coordinate closely with entire USAID/West Africa health team, as well as stay informed of other USAID/WA activities and relevant bilateral and non-presence country activities;
•   In collaboration with grantees and supervisor, engage donors, NGO and other regional networks and public sector organizations to leverage resources for reproductive and family health commodities in the region.
Other work as delegated by the Senior Health Advisor and Senior HIV/AIDS Advisor or the Health Office Director in support of achieving Mission health objectives and goals. (10%)

This includes responsibilities for being the point person for the health team for a selected number of countries.
Travel: Requires estimated 20-30% travel within the region;

Qualification Required & Experience

Master’s Degree from an accredited institution in public health, medicine, nursing, or similar discipline is required. At least two years of experience in the management of commodity logistics systems in a regional and/or bilateral project is highly desired.


Knowledge of commodity security and logistics systems is required; knowledge of USAID commodity procurement, while not required, is a strong advantage. Formal training and experience in RH/FP maternal/child health, HIV/AIDS, malaria management or related discipline is recommended. Good analytical skills and an ability to comprehend reports, analyze, and evaluate programs.


A minimum of five years of progressive responsibilities in implementing RH/FP, HIV/AIDS, malaria, policy and/or MCH programs is required. At least one year liaison or work experience with bilateral and multilateral donors such as USAID, the UN agencies, public sector and/or NGO entities is desired.


The incumbent must have excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain professional and effective contacts with counterparts and other donors, implementing partner chiefs-of party and technical staff is required. Excellent oral and written communication skills in French required.


Must be bilingual in French and English; should be able to draft and read complex technical documents in English as well as conduct technical discussions in both languages (S3/R3).

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Interested candidates should click below for more details about the requirements:-

Click Here For More Details

Via email:

Please cite the solicitation number and position title within the subject line of your email application. Any attachments provided via email shall be in a format compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 or PDF and not zipped. Note that attachments to email must not exceed 3 MB.


Via courier Regional Executive Office
USAID/West Africa
No. 24 Fourth Circular Rd. CT
P.O. Box 1630
Accra, Ghana

Closing Date: 12 November, 2014

Applicants are required to sign the OF-612 form. Incomplete and unsigned applications will not be considered for the position. Downloadable forms are available on the USAID website,

Job Vacancy For Program and Project Development Advisor At USAID Ghana

Posted on: October 29th, 2014 by Ghana Jobs

{USAID Ghana,Ghana,Full-Time,GH,N/A,N/A,30 Nov-2014};


The Program/Project Development Advisor will assist with leadership, guidance, and overall direction and support to USAID/Ghana’s Managing for Results efforts, including: project design; monitoring and evaluation (M&E); organizational learning and adapting; and other related dimensions of the USAID Program Cycle. S/he will also serve as a key point of contact for the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) and the Mission’s work with local organizations under USAID Forward Local Solutions.


•   Advise senior managers and technical offices on the full range of project design principles and procedures, ensuring adherence to the Agency’s Project Design Guidance and the Mission Order on Project Design.
•   Serve as resident expert on USAID and Mission-specific processes and requirements for design and formal approval of all new and amended projects and activities.
•   Serve as core member of Project Design Teams and lead Project Design Teams that are multi-disciplinary or crosscutting, involving multiple teams and offices.
• Guide Project Design Teams in the preparation of Project Appraisal Documents (PADs), advising on key components of the PAD such as the development hypothesis; program/project description; development of objectives, indicators and targets; performance management plans and project monitoring; evaluation planning; development of project budgets and obligation plans; procurement and implementation planning; and USG and USAID legal/policy/regulatory requirements.
•   Facilitate the development and refinement of Logical Frameworks for PADs.
•   Exercise leadership, operational support, and coordination to align USAID projects with development objectives, achieve synergies across sectors, and ensure effective implementation.
•   Assist Project Design Teams in drafting waivers, activity checklists, pre-obligation checklists, and other required pre-obligation documents.
•   Identify and compile data or analyses needed for the design effort.
•   Organize and facilitate project reviews and develop issues papers for review meetings.
•   Review PAD amendment packages, as well as amendments to Activity Approval Documents.
•   Prepare Action/Approval memoranda and project authorizations.
•   Coordinate responses to U.S. Embassy and USAID/Washington requests for project information.
•   Review or coordinate reviews of proposals for new projects or activities, including unsolicited proposals and applications.
•   Convene and lead meetings as needed to address project or activity issues.
•   Work closely with Program Office colleagues and technical offices to articulate development hypotheses and develop plans for testing those hypotheses.
•   Based on implementation results, new learning, and stakeholder feedback, guide Program Office and technical offices on iterative project design or implementation corrections, including the preparation of necessary project documentation, and ensure the ongoing and evolving alignment of the portfolio with the CDCS or emerging policy imperatives.
•   Guide the Program Office and technical offices on research design and methodologies, applied research studies, impact assessments, knowledge capture and sharing, and the application of learning to program and project design and management.
•   Provides formal and informal training to staff in these areas of expertise.


•   Assist in development of USAID/Ghana’s managing for results agenda, including monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and learning.
•   Ensure compliance with Agency and Mission policies and procedures related to M&E.
•   Help develop and implement the Mission’s M&E approaches to track results via indicators at Development Objective, and Intermediate Result levels, and implementation of the Mission’s AIDTRACKER Plus system over the current calendar year.
•   Assist with the implementation of the Mission Performance Management Plans for the CDCS.
•   Advise and support technical offices on data quality assessments, project and activity monitoring, site visits, and collecting performance monitoring information.
•   Advise on interpreting and incorporating program M&E findings into on-going and future activities.
•   Conceptualize, coordinate, facilitate, and contribute to Mission Portfolio Reviews.
•   Assist with the preparation of the annual Performance Plan and Report in cooperation with other USG entities at Post.
•   In collaboration with the M&E Specialist and other Program Office staff, lead USAID/Ghana’s evaluation efforts, defining areas of study and considering evaluation approaches, managing evaluation plans, reviewing approaches, and co-evaluating study results with others for determining conclusions and organizational implications.
•   Advise on and/or develop Statements of Work for evaluations and assessments in accordance with USAID policy, and in consultation with technical offices.
•   Advance USAID knowledge management and learning opportunities to ensure rapid, effective sharing and application of learning in areas of keen interest across the portfolio (e.g., local capacity development, Government-to-Government assistance).
•   Assist Mission in conceiving, managing project monitoring, tracking and evaluation systems designed to assist Mission management in assessing overall program impact on development in Ghana.
•   Provides formal and informal training to staff in these areas of expertise.

Qualification Required & Experience


•   Education: A Bachelor’s Degree in a development field, technical area, management, economics, business or related specialty from an accredited institution is required.
Work Experience
•   A minimum requirement for the position is five (with Master’s Degree) to seven (with Bachelor’s degree) years of progressively responsible, professional-level experience in program/project development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and implementation in a developing country context.

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Interested candidates should click below for more details about the requirements:-

Click Here For More Details

Via email:

Please cite the solicitation number and position title within the subject line of your email application. Any attachments provided via email shall be in a format compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 or PDF and not zipped. Note that attachments to email must not exceed 3 MB.


Via courier Regional Executive Office
USAID/West Africa
No. 24 Fourth Circular Rd. CT
P.O. Box 1630
Accra, Ghana

Closing Date: 05 November, 2014

Applicants are required to sign the OF-612 form. Incomplete and unsigned applications will not be considered for the position. Downloadable forms are available on the USAID website,

Job Vacancy For Energy Sector Specialist At USAID Ghana

Posted on: May 30th, 2014 by Ghana Jobs

{USAID Ghana,Accra,Full-Time, GH,N/A, N/A,30 Jun-2014};


The Energy Sector Specialist serves as the principal technical advisor to USAID/Ghana on all issues pertaining to economic policy reforms and in the areas of economic governance and agriculture development. The incumbent will provide critical economic and policy analysis of relevance to Ghanaian agriculture and the overall economy, e.g., the major sources of economic growth, poverty reduction programs, the Government of Ghana’s agricultural sector strategy and medium-term investment plan, annual budget, and GoG policy actions and plans affecting agricultural/economic development (e.g., land tenure and property rights, tax, finance, investment, labour, public institutions, and regional integration) for senior Mission management.

In conducting his/her work the Energy Sector Specialist plans, develops, manages and implements new economic development and policy reform programs or initiatives, particularly in the energy and power sectors. The incumbent also manages energy/power development and policy reform activities on a day-to-day basis, including making decisions on activity implementation matters, identifying and resolving program issues, working with civil society and private sector groups on advocacy issues, directing media and public information campaigns, assuring that all activities are carried out in a technically sound and cost-effective manner and in accordance with all applicable Mission and Agency directives and requirements


1. Program Management 35%

•   Plan, develop, manage and implement new economic development and policy reform programs or initiatives, particularly in the energy/power sectors.
•   Manage economic development and policy reform activities on a day-to-day basis, including making decisions on activity implementation matters, identifying and resolving program issues, working with civil society and private sector groups on advocacy
issues, directing media and public information campaigns, assuring that all activities are carried out in a technically sound and cost-effective manner and in accordance with all applicable Mission and Agency directives and requirements. The incumbent will act
as the Contracting or Assistance Officers Technical Representative (AOR/COR) for specific activities in the economic growth and food security portfolio. Prepare and manage statements of work and short term contracts for analysis and evaluations;
•   The incumbent shall review reports submitted by implementing partners on all assigned projects (technical studies/progress reports), and comment on findings, report completeness, accuracy and recommended actions.
•   Support the EGO team, ensure regular reporting on activities and track Performance Management Plan;
•   Plan, implement, participate in, comment upon, or prepare Mission views on evaluations, assessments or audits of EGO activities;
•   Manage Mission’s support of GOG effort to strengthen its planning, management, monitoring and accountability systems; as such, represent along with the Mission staff in the donor working group in charge of coordinating donor efforts to support GOG
medium term action plans to reform its budgetary and procurement systems and procedures.
•   Facilitate the smooth operations of energy and power programs and to report on compliance with applicable rules and regulations.
•   Carry out such other tasks related to Mission economic growth activities as might be assigned from time-to-time by Senior Mission Management or requested by AID/W.

2. Program Analysis and Monitoring 55%

•   Advise the Mission and partners on economic policy matters particularly pertaining to policy constraints hindering achievement of an enabling environment in the energy and power sectors.
•   Identify and critically analyze assumptions on which the GOG policy reforms are based.
•   Provide guidance on indicators for results reporting particularly with respect to policy environment for private sector development and advise on needed adjustments across the portfolio, and take the necessary action to ensure high level impact.
•   Provide analysis and help prioritize pertinent energy and power policy topics for incorporation into the mission analytical agenda.
•   Continuously gather information about, and keeping current on development pertaining to energy and power reform in Ghana and reporting such developments as required to management and staff.
•   Conduct research to obtain both published and unpublished information on energy and power and other relevant information regarding GOG initiatives on private sector reforms in the sectors and prepare written analysis of the same. This requires close
coordination and collaboration with GOG offices, the PFG/JCAP Coordinating and Technical Committees on energy and power, other donors and the private sector to identify data developed by these entities that has a bearing on this area of interest. In performing these duties, the incumbent shall interact frequently with other Mission Officers in soliciting data and information from identified senior GOG officials.
•   Work closely with the TCN Senior Energy Advisor to prepare analytical reports regarding energy and power reform in Ghana. The incumbent shall be called to analyze developments of a wide range of sectorial policy issues and advise the team on needed adjustments if any, and take the necessary action to ensure high level impact, and quality results reporting.

3. Strategy Development 10%

•   Conduct analysis, advice and recommend to senior Mission management and staff regarding the formulation of Mission development assistance strategy.
•   Participate in the development of the strategic framework for the EGO, including delineating of the areas of concentration, organizational structures, administrative and implementation needs and the role of the private sector.
•   Play a leading role in analysis and strategy development and participate in the development of Mission strategic plans, results analysis and resource requests and other strategic planning and reporting documentation.
•   Determine what additional analysis, assessments or reviews are required for the development of energy and power activities; designs and oversee the implementation of such analysis or assessment; and follows up as necessary.

Qualification Required & Experience

•   Education: MSc Degree in Petroleum, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical/Process Engineering or Energy Technology is required.
•   Prior Work Experience: A minimum of 8 years of progressively responsible, direct, documented, professional experience in at least two (2) of the following major sub-sectors of energy and/or power: (1) planning, development, financing, and implementation of privatelyowned power and infrastructure projects; (2) implementation of associated sector-specific enabling regulations and/or policies supporting these projects; (3) efficiently managed distribution and transmission companies; (4) development and operation of upstream /midstream energy supply and processing – preferably natural gas; (5) tariff-setting in energy and power according to global benchmarks and international ‘best-practice’; or (6) formulation and implementation of effective stakeholder capacity development activities supporting the energy and power sectors.
•   Language Proficiency: Demonstrated fluency in both written and spoken English (Level IV) is required. Language proficiency (writing analytical and presentation) will be tested if selected for an interview.
•   Job Knowledge: Demonstrated specialized knowledge of international and Ghanaian engineering international competitive procurement procedures for energy services. Specific duties will include drafting and tracking of internal financial approval documents,
performance-monitoring plans, and the annual report to Congress. Other duties will include contracting, reporting and communication.
•   Skills and Abilities: Must have demonstrated the ability to establish and maintain an extensive range of collegial contacts with ministerial and high level officials of the Ghanaian Government, Engineers and Contractors syndicates in order to represent USAID policy and programs, and to interpret and communicate Ghanaian attitudes, priorities and concerns to senior USAID officials.

Salary Range: GH¢ 34,074.00 – GH¢51,113.00 p.a. (depending on qualification and experience)

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Interested individuals should submit cover letter, Curriculum Vitae with references and relevant certificates to:

Regional Executive Office
USAID/West Africa
P.O. Box 1630, Accra

By Email to:

Note: When submitting your application via email, please start the subject line with the position title.

Closing Date: 11 June, 2014

Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

USAID/Ghana anticipates awarding a Personal Service Contract (PSC) regarding this announcement. Note that this does not constitute any guarantee that a PSC will be awarded as a result of this announcement.