Job Vacancy For Administrative and Financial Manager At Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization (ALCO)

Job title: Administrative and Financial Manager
Supervision: ALCO Executive Secretary
Contract duration: Two (02) years, renewable
Job start date: February 1, 2016
Work place: Cotonou (BENIN)

Background and Justification

•   The Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization (ALCO) is sub regional intergovernmental organization which was established in 2002 with the mission of reducing HIV impact on interregional trade in West Africa. In fact, in view of the increase of migrations on main roads and fostering economic growth, the Heads of States of member countries namely the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria put in place this organization to facilitate road transit and transport as well as the development and implementation of a sub regional HIV/AIDS response.

•   During its first ten (10) years of service provision, ALCO largely contributed to the improvement of border posts environment and hospital infrastructures from Abidjan to Lagos, STIS and AIDS treatment, as well as the reduction of travelers’ transit time.

•   Within the framework of the New Funding Mechanism, the Global Fund (GF)grant allocated to ALCO took new directions. This grant focuses on a gradual transition of HIV prevention services to national programs and a reposition of interventions toward strengthening community system as well as the defense of human rights. The grant covers the period from 2016 to2018.

•   Aware of the challenges in the framework of the implementation of this grant, ALCO undertook actions in order to efficiently manage the resources which will be made available in the framework of this funding. To this effect, ALCO is recruiting an Administrative and Financial Manager who will be based at ALCO’s headquarters in Cotonou/Benin

Description of duties

Under the direct supervision of the Executive Secretary to whom he is accountable, the Administrative and Financial Manager ensures the daily administrative and financial duties.

While assuming office, he is guided by:

•   ALCO statutory documents on administrative management;
•   Applicable and available financial management documents;
•   Global Fund guidelines especially financial procedures;
•   Decisions from the regional Coordination Committee;
•   Applicable and available projects programs documents in connection with Program Coordinators;
•   Guidelines and instructions entrusted to him by the Executive Secretary;

His main duty isto ensure the optimal operations of the Administrative and financial management regarding the program funded by Global Fund.He has under his supervision the administrative and financial staff, the procurement staff, the logistics staff and the pool of drivers under this program who are all accountable to. His duties and responsibilities are:

The establishment of the main accounting and audit management documents

•   Supervision of accounting exercise;
•   Validation of periodic financial reports;
•   Supervision of accounts closure and establishment of accounting records requested by ALCO Management in accordance with accounting standards applicable to ALCO (balance sheet, cash accounts, inventories, financial report, management report);
•   Preparation and participation in audit missions;
•   Preparation of accounting and financial information for donors upon their request;
•   Organization of financial meetings;

Budgetary management

•   Preparation of ALCO overall annual budget and updating of budget table to be presented at Finance meetings;
•   Daily monitoring of the overall budget and expenditure incurred as compared to plan;
•   Preparation of budgets for new projects;
•   Ensure projects budget monitoring;

Cash management

•   Supervision of the opening, management and closure of the project bank accounts;
•   Preparation and monitoring of the project monthly and quarterly cash flow plan;
•   Daily monitoring of cash flow status;
•   Take appropriate decisions in terms of cash management in collaboration with the Executive Secretary;
•   Management of requests for disbursement from donors;
•   Management of disbursements in favor of projects implementing bodies;

Design and compliance with procedures and administrative management

•   Update administrative and financial procedures;
•   Monitoring compliance with administrative and financial procedures;
•   Supervision of proper management of ALCO’s assets;
•   Supervision of accounts team;
•   Supervision of administrative activities (lease contract, cleaning contract, security contract, legal advice contract etc);
•   Supervision of the organization of workshops, seminars and meetings;

Human Resources Management

•   Establish staff employment contracts;
•   Record-keeping for individual staff member;
•   Management of staff annual leave;
•   Ensure the monitoring of staff annual assessment;
•   Put in place procedures for the proper management of human resources;
•   Preparation and monitoring of staff training and development records;
•   Development of a training plan;
•   Organize periodic meetings with his team;
•   Monitoring of staff time sheet;

Qualification Required & Experience

Required profile and competence

The incumbent ALCO Administrative and Financial Manager will have to meet the following qualifications and competence:

•   Must hold a minimum Master Degree in accounting, finance and administration or any other related field of education ;
•   Must have at least ten (10) years work experience with at least six(6) years in finance and administration;
•   Must have at least 2 years of experience as a supervisor;
•   Must have experience in institutional capacity development;
•   Must have good analytical, organizational and planning capacity;
•   Must have good interpersonal communication skills;
•   Must have good control over both spoken written French and English;
•   Must have very good computer skills (Accounting software, Microsoft Office, Excel, Outlook);
•   Must demonstrate results-driven planning and management;
•   Must demonstrate proven results in his experiences of programs and projects management as well as coordination at the national and/or at the international level;
•   Must have great listening, negotiation and persuasion capacity;
•   Must have thorough understanding of professional accounting software and computerized management systems adapted to development projects;
•   Must have good skills to work individually and as a team, be able to work under pressure;
•   Be highly motivated and self-directed, with a commitment to work within a group;
•   Must demonstrate proven experience in human resources management, particularly “coaching” and skills development;
•   Must demonstrate proven experience in collaboration with civil society organizations and development agencies including the United Nations;
•   Excellent knowledge of the environment of key actors involved in the fight against Aids, the actors in transport sector and the environment in west Africa;
•   Strong reading, analysis, synthesis and writing skills;
•   Solid decision-making capacity, must be proactive and able to work under pressure;
•   Must have great listening, communication and negotiation skills;
•   Be good team player;
•   Must be able to work in a multicultural environment;

Location: Cotonou (BENIN)

How To Apply For The Job

Interested candidates should send a Curriculum Vitae, a letter of motivation, a copy of their degrees, three professional references and their expected salary range to:-

Closing Date: 22 December, 2015

Only preselected candidates will be contacted.